“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Pub Crawl

After walking my required 7+ miles this morning, I met up with my friend Suzanne for "Dot Day." Dorchester is the town next to South Boston (where I live) and unbeknownst to me, they have their own celebration every year called Dot Day, complete with a parade and appearances from the Mayor and Governor! Suz's friend Tracy has a bar in Dorchester along the parade route, so she has a party there to celebrate. A group of 18 met in Quincy and took a chartered bus over to Peggy O'Neils for the festivities. I couldn't join them on the bus because I was busy walking, but I managed to meet up with them later and even squeezed in another 3 miles of training!

Seeing as they close off a bunch of roads for the parade, I drove to my local Stop n Shop, parked my car, and then walked 1.4 miles (in the 85 degree heat) to the bar. Tracy had closed off the parking lot, and set up a band and tables in the space, so it was a regular old block party right in the middle of the city. What a beautiful day for it! Not to mention Tracy is one of the only people left on earth who has any Strawberry Blonde beer in stock, so I got to enjoy my tasty strawberry beer, out in the sun, while listening to the band! Not to mention, I added another 3 miles roundtrip to my training. I don't think it's possible for a day to get any better! :-)

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