“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

Monday, June 9, 2008

Heat Stroke

In case you haven't heard, we're having a heat wave in Boston. Yesterday it topped out around 93 degrees and was very humid. When I walked out the door at 8:30 am for my 9 mile walk the heat and humidity slammed me in the face. I should have known what I was in for....

Last year the 3Day temps were pretty tough - 100 degrees Friday and 93 degrees on Sat. And both days kicked my butt! I was slow and exhausted both days thanks to the heat and humidity. Yesterday was pretty much a flashback to last year.
Although I was walking slower than normal I was doing pretty good until about mile 6. At that point my legs started feeling tingly and I knew I needed some food and gatorade. I stopped at the grocery store at mile 7 to buy a power bar because I just didn't feel like eating the raisins and nuts I had in my fanny pack. Actually the heat and humidity usually takes away my appetite so nothing is tempting. Wish that could happen more often!

After sitting down on a bench eating the bars and drinking some water most of the tingling went away. So I got back and up and slowly started walking the final 2 miles home. It was tough. Every emotion was raw and the heat was really beating me down. I heard someone toot toot their horn in a friendly way, so I dragged my head to look up. There was a nice husband and wife in a pickup truck who smiled and waved at me. I half-heartedly smiled back because that was as much energy I could muster.
I didn't know the couple but this happens every once in a while on a training walk. Someone can tell I'm training for the 3Day (pink ribbon hat and fanny pack must give it away) and they beep and wave to cheer me on. It's always nice when this happens, but on Sunday I was so worn out and my emotions were on edge that I started to tear up. Now it really reminded me of last years walk because I started to cry last year when the heat and exhaustion set in. You know what this means? It's time for everyone to start praying REALLY hard that the temps are a balmy 80 degrees, no humidity and no rain for this years walk! While you're at it, pray for that kind of weather for my training walks too!

1 comment:

Nina said...

Great job sticking with it! I'm training in Arizona and we're only two weeks into the official 24 week training plan. I had a great turn out for Saturday's walk (11 people) even though the high for the day was predicted to be 114 degrees! It's going to be a LONG, HOT summer but we will make it...one day at a time.