“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

Monday, June 23, 2008

Marathon Weekend

After walking 15 miles Saturday I walked 11 miles Sunday for a total of 26 miles this weekend. Just like they run in a Marathon! Sat was my great walk, wonderful company and great scenery.

Sunday was not as glamorous. My usual route is down Morrissey Blvd in Dorchester past things like Jiffy Lube, Gas Stations, etc. unlike the beautiful things I saw on Sat. But I can do it in my sleep so it's easy to bang it out by myself. And I had a Baby Shower in the afternoon so I had to start early in order to have time to walk 11 miles and still make it to the shower on time.

The walk was fine and as I came back into the building a neighbor was walking in with her Sunday Globe. She asked me if it was hot walking and I said "I'm always hot walking" When she heard I had walked 11 miles she said "really?" I said "yes" and she turned back around and said "Did you really say you just walked 11 miles???" "Yes" "Good for you" said in a voice of amazement. I think she was probably looking at her copy of the Globe thinking that in the time I'd walked 11 miles she'd probably had some coffee and dressed to go next door to pick up the paper from the corner store. Heck, sometimes I'm still amazed about the distances I walk and then still go do other things like attend a Baby Shower. It's better I don't think about it and just get it done! And then go to sleep as soon as possible!

Can't wait to see Jeff and Liv's cute little baby due in August!

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