“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

Monday, June 4, 2007


Sunday was not my best walk....

Set out to do 14 miles and pretty much everything that could go wrong did.

Mile 7 - legs start tingling and weighing a million pounds. Not sure why b/c from the waist up felt fine, not dehydrated, etc. I sat down gulped some Gatorade, ate a Power Bar and then started walking again. Weird sensation went away quickly so I guess a just needed a little food & drink.

Mile 8 - Now that I have the legs under control I thought I was all set. Oh no. Stopped at Dunkin to replace the Gatorade. After filling up my water bottle, put the infamous fanny pack on (weighs at least 5 lbs) but I didn't snap it shut correctly. So, from the weight, it fell off my waist, hit another customer in the leg, AND the clasp broke. SO, I thought it was embarassing walking around w/ a huge fanny pack strapped around my waist, but now I needed to walk 6 more miles CARRYING the fanny pack. Not exactly fun having a dead 5 lb weight alternating between hands for the next 2 hours.

Miles 9, 10, 11 - Still carrying the Fanny Pack and it decides to rain. For an hour. Although I have a ton of essentials in the pack, I've yet to buy the recommended Rain poncho, so I'm pretty much just getting rained on, dragging my pack w/ me. You can imagine what the people think driving by!

The Good News? I walked all 14 miles!!!!!

You never know what type of weather we'll have or what will happen on the actual 3-day event, so it's important to train through everything. Guess yesterday was a great training ground!

Side notes:

* Went to the Expo - learned a bunch - but NO tent demo! I'm still clueless about how to build shelter on the 3-Day. Hope I have an expert tentmate!

* Thanks to Rob from Marathon Sports who gave me inserts for my heel pain at the Expo. Walked in them yesterday and definitely felt an improvement!

*Went on my 1st Training Walk w/ other 3-Dayers on Saturday. It was great having people to talk to. Only concern? 3-Day walkers need to follow all rules at crosswalks. For a girl who went to college in the city and would cross 2 lanes of traffic on Comm Ave, 2 "T" tracks, and 2 more lanes of traffic on Comm Ave just to get to class everyday this is difficult. You can imagine jaywalking was a daily activity....now we wait for the little walk figure before crossing the road. Tough adjustment!

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