“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

Friday, July 18, 2008

Dog do-do and Sleeping Bags

Walked 5 miles with Caroline and Bailey last night. We had a LOT of dog stuff going on. First Bailey decided about 30 seconds into our walk to do #2 so Caroline was walking was the dog leash in one hand and the baggie in the other hand. Pretty much there wasn't a good side for me to stand on! (Notice how I was kind enough NOT to add a photo to go along with this post?!)

About a minute after that another dog decided to pick a fight with Bailey. Luckily some of the doggie drama died down a little so we could walk without my blood pressure rising! And managed to squeeze in a great tip from Caroline. She suggested storing my sleeping bag in my trunk in case my car ever breaks down in the winter. Seeing as I have no other use for the sleeping bag, now I know exactly where to store it in the off-season (ie. all but 3 days in August!).


Anonymous said...

Along with all the other "stuff" you store in your trunk, God forbid you need to transport anything in your trunk - like luggage!

Aimee said...

Who drives to the airport when you live this close? That's what the cabs are for....when you don't live on a plantation! :-)