“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dog Walker

Last night Caroline, Bailey and I walked 5 miles around Castle Island. Who's Bailey? Caroline's Jack Russell Terrier. OK, so I'm not a dog person, and I'm the first to admit it. But Bailey is a small dog and I know he's been training w/ Caroline a lot so the 5 miles would probably be easier for him than me! When we met up to start walking I said hi to Bailey - literally said hi while looking down at him. None of that bend down, scratch his back, let him lick me kind of stuff.....remember, I'm not a dog person!

But Bailey did a great job walking around Castle Island! Something interesting I noticed was that other folks with dogs always asked about Bailey. The weird thing is I think they asked becasue they really just wanted to talk all about THEIR dog because they'd shift the conversation from Bailey to their dog in a nano-second. But at least all the dog people were friendly. Those of us without pets sure as heck don't stop and make small talk with one another as we're out for a walk. If only I could figure out a way to get the social aspect of having a dog in, without having to actually own a dog it would be perfect!


Anonymous said...

I'm not a "dog person" but Bailey is ADORABLE!!

Anonymous said...

You can borrow Bailey anytime!
That was a cute Jack Russel picture.