“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

Saturday, July 19, 2008

18 miles

This weekend is the BIG back-to-back training. We walk 18 miles on Saturday, and then follow it up with 15 miles on Sunday. This is the biggest training weekend all summer and it really lets you see how your body is going to react on Day 2 after walking a long distance on Day 1.

Wouldn't you know it it was 94 degrees today with the worst triple threat a walker can encounter - Hot, Hazy, and Humid! It didn't seem to effect the turnout at the walk though as I had 17 people show up today to walk. A hearty group no doubt!!! Not to mention I had plenty of great people to chat with all day! Of course, the fast walkers I never get to chat with because they're long gone while I trudge along at my comfortable (ie SLOW) pace. Luckily for me, there are usually a good group of folks who go just my pace for me to hang out with!

Today was a brand new route for me and I finally conquered my previously mentioned Cambridge boycott. We started in South Boston, walked through Boston, Brookline, Allston, Cambridge, back to Boston, and finished in Southie. 18 miles is a long way to walk, but when you think about the fact we walked through 4 different parts of the city it really puts it into perspective. I think the group was shocked when I mentioned in Southie at 7 am that we'd be eating lunch in Harvard Square at the 10.5 miles. Why does it seem like these places are SOOOOO much farther away when you're driving?

Here are some pictures from today.....

The group started walking at 7:15 am ao we were able to get in several hours of walking before the real heat and humidity rolled in.

I warned the girls for MILES that we were going up a really steep hill once we got to Brookline. How come I think they were all silently cussing me out when they actually saw it? It wasn't like they didn't have fair warning! ;-)

This is the view from the top of the hill. Notice how you can't even see the actual bottom? I was even cursing myself out for including it on the route!

Leaving Cambridge over the bridge. I LOVE this photo-op with the Hancock and Prudential as the photo bookends! Actually brought the camera along today specifically to take this shot!

You know it's an Aimee Floyd created route when I actually PLAN an ice cream stop! I even listed it on the direction card so the fast walkers could plan ahead for a treat too! Heck, did I mention it was 90+ degrees today? The only motivation we had towards the end was knowing that at the 16.7 mile mark we were stopping for Ice Cream!

One thing I've learned from training is that you never know how good, or bad, you'll feel after a long walk. Tonight I feel great considering I walked 18 miles today. Managed to do a lot cleaning and stuff around the house getting ready for vacation when I got home tonight. And continued drinking a ton of water to stay hydrated. But I'd better go to bed now so I'm ready to lead a 15 mile walk tomorrow at 7 am. Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

When I heard how bad the weather was today for a walker it brought back memories of last year. Truly don't know if today was a blessing in disguise or a test to see a persons endurance. Wish I could offer ice cream every mile to you fantastic women!


Aimee said...

Feel free to bring Ice Cream to every mile of the walk in August! Or at least scout out the route and find a good spot around mile 15! :-)

Sarah G said...

Thanks for organizing Aimee! Us "fast walkers" had a blast chatting and racing away. :) We didn't stop for ice cream, but I think I'll make up for that today.

Hope you guys have fun on your 15 today - I'll try and join you for another walk soon!

cecelia said...

Yes Aimee I finally read your blog. Its GREAT!!! So, I get on the red line at south station and the train comes to a dead stop. We have to wait for someone to come switch the tracks because the train is turning around at the JFK stop and heading back to Boston instead of continuing on to Braintree. All passangers had to get off and wait for the next train to Braintree, not to many happy campers. I did not get back to my car til 2:50, I could have walked with you and enjoyed some icecream. Looking forward to walking with you and everyone else in August.

Anonymous said...

Hi Aimee! Thanks again for leading such a great walk (and for including a 16.7 mile ice cream stop!). I learned lots of great information and met some really great women. I also learned that cotton is so not my friend - but I'm glad I learned it yesterday and not on the actual 3-Day. I love the pics you took but they absolutely do not do justice to that hill! Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great walk. As a TWL I know and appreciate the time it takes to map out routes and make sure there are plenty of hydration spots and the ever important "potty breaks" and you certainly went over and above the TWL roll by including an ice cream rest stop for us! I guess it makes up for SUMMIT AVE!!!! Jessica is right when she says those pictures don't do that hill justice... On my blogs I call it the MOUNTAIN!
See you soon- 25 more days!!!