The 1st walk was Brutal! It may have only been 3 miles, but when you factor in this walk was OUTSIDE in January in Boston at 5:30 AM you get the picture!!! It was literally pitch black outside, walking along the ocean in South Boston, looking over my shoulder to make sure there weren't any crazies lurking!
Jan & Feb walks were tough, but 3 miles ended up seeming easy when I jumped up to 6 miles....
So, the training calendar is built around gradually increasing your mileage. On the 1st day I was supposed to walk 4 miles (after about a month of 3 mile walks) I was feeling SO good, I ended up going for a 6 mile walk!! The walk itself was OK, but my body revolted when I got home! After some stretching and a shower, the back of my legs were killing! I sat on the couch and immediately gave up any plans of moving for the rest of the day! Maybe this is why they don't suggest you jump from a 3 mile to 6 mile walk?!
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller
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