“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Double Digits
My niece Haley is turning 10 next month and she's very excited about hitting "double digits." I know exactly how she feels....yesterday was my 1st double digit training walk! At 8 am sharp I left my place complete with fanny pack and supplies adn exactly 3 1/2 hours later, I was back home with a 10 mile walk under my belt!! Woo-hoo!!! :-)

I went my usual route down Day Blvd in Southie to Morrissey Blvd thru Dorchester. The whole route is on sidewalks with a total of 4 lanes of traffic going by, except for about a second on the Neposet Bridge where I have to take my life into my own hands. Picture this: I've walked 5 miles, and then the sidewalk ends. I'm literally on top of a Bridge and have to run across a lane of traffic which is an off-ramp, and then walk another block on a thin walkway about 12 inches wide. Not exactly the safest part of the walk, but I look at it as practicing my balancing skills!

Luckily, the walk really went by quickly and no blisters! :-)

PS - THANK YOU to all my early supporters....I love seeing the thermometer rise!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

City Mouse, Country Mouse

Normally I walk on cement sidewalks through the city with views of gas stations, grocery stores, and Tstations. I've even had the rare pleasure of a crazy person shouting crazy things at me....wonder why someone else had already called the cops on her and they came to round her up?! On Sunday I was in Plymouth visiting my parents, and had the pleasure of walking on actual walking paths through the trees. Very peaceful. Guess I'm more of a country mouse at heart...

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bionic Woman
Tonight was my 1st night of actual physical therapy. I started with strengthening & balancing exercises -try playing catch while standing on a trampoline with one foot in the air. Not so easy!

Then they whipped out the electronics. I had seen other people lying around w/ heating packs thinking how easy their PT was while I'm working my butt off. Oh was I ever wrong. Said heating pack is HOT HOT HOT and what I didn't notice was that in addition to the heat pack they were hooked up to a machine. It had small disks attached to the machine which were then put on my back (sort of like an EKG or something). Through some form of electro-shock therapy (at least as far as I'm concerned that's what it is!) this thing constricts your muscles while you're lying there. It's an odd sensation and a little, not quite painful exactly, but definitely uncomfortable. Guess all those folks sitting around with their heat packs didn't have it so easy after all!

But I did learn some trivia....
1. There's a big tendon in the hip that's made up of 3 muscles. But 1/3 of the total population is missing 1 of the muscles and it's no big deal. Who knew?!
2. Animal Planet was on TV at PT. After watching enough about snakes to ensure I will have nightmares reminiscent of the Snake Pit scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark, they did a story on Lions. Direct quote from the expert "while they're bachelors the men lions hunt for themselves, but once they're attached to a lioness it's her job to hunt for all the food. And then let the man eat first after she makes the kill" Ladies, make any similarities to other species as you feel necessary. ;-)

Monday, April 16, 2007

It's Official...
I'm walking!!! After the trip to the doctor I registered for the walk so now I really know it's happening! 1st sign I should walk- it starts on my birthday, 2nd sign- the coach I was assigned to is named "Aimee" - literally the same spelling - the signs keep coming!
Hip Replacement
I must be old if I'm having hip problems. In Feb my right hip started hurting when I walked more than 4 miles. Not a good sign when I'm training to walk 60 miles. After a quick trip to the doctor I've been assured that it's not Arthritis (that should be comforting, except for the fact that at 34 it NEVER occurred to me it might be arthritic!) and with a little physical therapy I should have no problem. The PT says I have a "weak trunk." Now I may not know ANYTHING about music, but I do know about "junk in the trunk" so I immediatey say "what's the trunk? my bumm?" HAHA Except I was serious!
(If anyone clueless like me, the trunk is the middle of your body - abs, back, etc.)

Hot & Cold
March was a month of extreme training. So far all (except 1 disaster on the treadmill) of my walks have been outside in Boston. In the months of Jan & Feb that means wearing long underwear, sweatpants, wool socks, and between 1 & 2 fleeces depending on if we're in the single digits with the windchill. March started out pretty much the same way....until I went to Grand Cayman! Instead of being 9 degrees outside, it was 90 degrees. I LOVED being outside w/ a little warmth, but I wasn't ready for the 6 mile training walks on the beach in the heat. After a rough 1st day (almost passed out from the heat towards the end) I figured out just how much water to drink before, during and after.

Cayman also marked the debut of the FANNY PACK!!! That's right, I admit it, I bought a fanny pack! This is considered necessary equipment for the 3 Day so I know I'll fit in there - but not exactly normal gear for beach walking on vacation! Not to mention I think my friends Kristin & Gustavo whom I was visiting were horrified to see me leaving their beautiful home in such a get-up! At least they had a good chuckle before work that 1st day! :-) Thanks again to K&G for their hospitality!!!
The 1st walk was Brutal! It may have only been 3 miles, but when you factor in this walk was OUTSIDE in January in Boston at 5:30 AM you get the picture!!! It was literally pitch black outside, walking along the ocean in South Boston, looking over my shoulder to make sure there weren't any crazies lurking!
Jan & Feb walks were tough, but 3 miles ended up seeming easy when I jumped up to 6 miles....
So, the training calendar is built around gradually increasing your mileage. On the 1st day I was supposed to walk 4 miles (after about a month of 3 mile walks) I was feeling SO good, I ended up going for a 6 mile walk!! The walk itself was OK, but my body revolted when I got home! After some stretching and a shower, the back of my legs were killing! I sat on the couch and immediately gave up any plans of moving for the rest of the day! Maybe this is why they don't suggest you jump from a 3 mile to 6 mile walk?!
I've been thinking about walking in the 3 Day for a few years...
It seems as though I hear about the event every year just as it's about to happen.....which is a little late to commit to walking 60 miles and raising at least $2200! In January I kept hearing radio ads for the event and thought this is the year. When I found out the event began on Aug 3rd (my 34th birthday) I definitely thought it was a sign! Only 1 problem....I'm not in shape to walk 6 miles, let alone 60!!! But, when there's a will, there's a way. Especially when you have over 6 months to train! I decided to start training and wait a few months before deciding if I'd actually register...