“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” -Helen Keller

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Walk in the park

My 10 mile walk was actually easy. Is that possible?! Not sure how someone who's way behind on training managed to walk 10 miles and not be in pain afterwards but I'm definitely grateful!!! I wasn't so sure of myself as we set out walking because the group started at a fairly fast pace and I'm more a "slow and steady" kind of walker. It was a bunch of newbies to the 3Day so they definitely slowed down as the mileage increased. You never want to burn out early ~ this is a marathon not a sprint. Actually it's more like 3 consective marathons!

Let's just hope my easy walk last week didn't give me a false sense of security because I have another 10 mile walked planned for tomorrow. We shall see.....wish me luck!

(and yes, we did walk through the Boston Public Garden seen here)